13th Global Chinese Music Award 2013

  Saturday, 05 Oct 2013



Supported by 7 regional top Chinese language radio stations, the 13th Global Chinese Music Awards 2013 will be held at Putra Indoor Stadium @ Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 05 October 2013

13th Global Chinese Music Award 2013 -- 13th 全球华语歌曲排行榜颁奖礼
Date/Time : 05 October 2013, 8:30pm
Venue : Putra Indoor Stadium @ Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

> Global Chinese Music Awards website
> Global Chinese Music Awards facebook page

Ticket Price :-
VVIP-A RM803 / VVIP-B RM503 / VIP RM303 / PS1 RM253 / PS2 RM203 / PS3 RM153 / PS4 RM103 / PS5 RM53

> Buy tickets online @ TicketCharge

2013 全球华语歌曲排行榜颁奖典礼将于10月5日在武吉加里尔布特拉室内体育馆举行,来自全球各地的华语歌手届时将云集于马来西亚,争取超过40个奖项,包括七个地区的全球华语杰出歌手奖。


2013全球华语歌曲排行榜颁奖礼的票价由50令吉起跳,分为50、100、150、200(PS2)、250(PS1)、300 (VIP)与500(VVIP),7月抢鲜购票,PS1与PS2 可获15%折扣,VIP 与VVIP则可获20% 折扣。

Supported by 7 of the region’s top Chinese language radio stations, the Global Chinese Music Awards has been successfully held in Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore since its inception in 2000. The annual awards ceremony promises a star-studded event bringing together the top and popular artistes of the region. The Star Radio Group’s 988 is set to host the 13th GCMA on 5 October at the Putra Indoor Stadium Bukit Jalil.

13th Global Chinese Music Award 2013