2017年第二届“高峰杯”中国象棋锦标赛 The Summit Subang USJ Cup Chinese Chess Tournament -章程
Online Registration Form 网络报名表格: https://goo.gl/forms/KKOR6unnpsYolwJw2
Date: 14 May 2017 10am - 6pm (Sunday)
Venue: Concourse Area, Ground Floor, The Summit Subang USJ
Organizer:The Summit Subang USJ & Mega Chess Academy 弈智棋院
Co-Organizer: Persatuan Xiang Qi Putrajaya 布城象棋公会
Eligibility 参赛资格与组别:
U8: Under-08 Category: Must born in or after 2009;
U10: Under-10 Category: Must born in or after 2007;
U12: Under-12 Category: Must born in or after 2005;
U18: Under-18 Category: Must born in or after 1999;
Entrance Fee 报名费:RM30
RM25 for member or player of Persatuan Xiang Qi Putrajaya 布城象棋公会会员或学员报名费RM25
Method of play SIX (6) ROUNDS SWISS,瑞士制,六轮赛
Time Control 25 minutes each to the finish,25分钟包干制
Registrar 报名及询问处 :
(Selangor) 016-2318652 Gemini
(KL) 011-39336353 Kingsley
(Other) 017-6912939 Joey
Rules & Regulations ASIAN CHINESE CHESS RULE plus 亚象联棋规supplementary regulations
Tie-break Standard Swiss Perfect System
Schedule 10.00am – 6.00pm
Prizes奖励 Category: U8 / U10 / U12 / U18
1st: RM150, 2nd:RM100, 3rd:RM70, 4th-5th:RM40, 6th-10th:RM20 (Top 10 will have medal + certificate
Most Promising Girls (1st-5th): Medal + Certificate 杰出女生奖
Best Primary School (Gold, Silver, Bronze) 团体奖励,小学组
Best Secondary School (Gold, Silver, Bronze)团体奖励,中学组
Attire 穿着
Proper attire, long pants, sport shoe, no slipper. 参赛者穿着必须整齐,长裤,运动鞋/皮鞋/校鞋,严禁穿拖鞋、非学校服装或冠不整的参赛者禁止入场。触犯纪律条例者,将接受纪律处分。
Due to venue constraint, each Category we only accept 60 participants, please register asap. 基于场地限制,每一组我们只接受60位参赛者,欲报从速!
Due date for registration is 8 May 2017 or MAXIMUM 250 participants, Strictly no walk-in participant. Registration is not refundable. 报名截止日期2017年5月8日或达250参赛者,决不接受临场报名。报名费不可退还。
Organizer or Co-Organizrer reserved right for alteration and modification of the detail, and will update in www.facebook.com/MegaChessAcademy