RACE ON: Snap to Twin Towers @live 2013 Concert

  25 Feb - 15 Mar 2013



Stand a chance to win 2 tickets for Petronas Twin Towers @Live Concert on 22th & 23rd March 2013

This contest is designed to reward Petronas customers with Twin Towers @live 2013 Concert tickets. All you have to do is simply follow these 4 simple steps:

Log on to www.facebook.com/PETRONASBrands and become PetronasBrands Facebook Fan

Take a picture of you posing with your car

Fill in the online contest form on our Facebook page

Upload the picture and tell us \"Why do I Switch for XTRA with Primax 95 XTRA\" (limit of one (1) photo submission per person)

Campaign Highlights :
# The Contest will commence for a period of nineteen (19) days from 25 February 2013 until 15 March 2013
# There will be a total of 200 winners throughout the Contest Period and each winner will be given two (2) Twin Towers @live 2013 Concert Tickets each.
# Winners who are Mesra card members will receive additional gift: a PETRONAS t-shirt and cap.

> Click here for more information

Terms & Conditions :
# This Contest is open to all residence of Malaysia, aged eighteen (18) and above.
# Contestant is required to join the \"Be a Fan\" on PETRONASBrands Facebook Fan Page.
# Other terms & conditions apply

RACE ON: Snap to Twin Towers @live 2013 Concert