17 - 19 Mar 2017, 11am - 9pm
Setia SPICE Arena, Penang
Hosted by TLM Event, the Mums & Kids Expo - Season 6 + Foodlicious International Food & Beverage Expo 2017 will take place at Setia SPICE Arena, Penang from 17 - 19 March 2017.
The TLM Mums & Kids Expo Penang will feature than 100 exhibitors with variations of product and service ranging from newborn to toddlers as well as choice of maternity commodities and services!
The Foodlicious International F&B Expo brings to you the deliciousness of the food and beverage industry which more than 100 exhibitors showcasing local and nationally wide delicacies that are able to stimulate your taste bud! Visitors are free to enjoy mouthwatering food ranging from gourmet restaurants to large scare manufacturers!
Come experience a whole new level of food paradise and find all you want at the largest F&B Expo in norther's region. 汇集超过100家参展商,《FOODLICIOUS》 国际美食展销会将为您带来各种令人垂涎三尺之食品,一次
For more information, please contact 012-4197219 (Mums & Kids Expo) or 017-9894283 (Food & Beverage Expo)
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