EcoSky My Happy Place Street Food Carnival

  20 - 21 May 2017, 5pm - 10pm

  Eco Sky @ Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur

Nothing makes a Malaysian happier than good food. This coming weekend (20-21 May), you're welcome to take part in Eco Sky's Street Food Carnival in conjunction with the Illuminations Flower Show. Come and enjoy the illuminated floral displays and then indulge in an amazing array of 30 food stalls serving old and new favourites. See you there at Eco Sky or call 03-6251 2255 for more info

这个星期六与星期日 (20 & 21 May 2017), Eco Sky, Jalan Ipoh-Kuala Lumpur (5pm - 10pm). Street Food Carnival与您相会,让您空着腹来,捧着腹离开哦。当然除了好多美食以外,您也可一边欣赏LED灯饰美景,也能享受歌手音乐,无论是情侣拍拖,朋友聚会,仰或是家庭日适合的新据点,重点是免费入场哦!

Illumination Flower Show | 5/5-25/6 (Fri-Sun) | 7pm onwards! Street Food Carnival | 20 & 21 May (Sat & Sun) | 5pm - 10pm

EcoSky My Happy Place Street Food Carnival